Explore Your Creativity
During this 45-minute free discovery call we will get to know each other, exploring what is alive for you now, how you relate to creativity, and how this unique creative coaching container may be able to support you.
If it feels like an aligned match and you’re ready to prioritize your creativity, you can choose a 3- or 6-month container committment. The first session is 75 minutes dedicated to exploring your relationship with creativity, setting goals, and committing to a daily creative practice. All following sessions are 60 minutes, with two sessions per month (3-month containers are 6 total sessions and 6-month containers are 12 total sessions). In each session, you’ll be invited to share your creations; we will then focus on additional themes you’re working with and ready to express. In the closing session, we’ll integrate the container by exploring your creations and what they represent.